Our 2020 Year in Review!
Below are highlights of what we’ve accomplished with the support of our community this year! As a collective of grassroots, Palestinian and Arab youth volunteers with no paid staff, we rely on your generosity. We know that we can count on you to sustain us in the struggle. Thank you for your ongoing support!
We mobilized our communities in defense of our land
We mobilized our chapters to protest against the Steal of the Century, the annexation of the West Bank, and the normalization of relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel.
We responded to the pandemic with mutual aid
During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, PYM chapters organized mutual aid efforts in coalition with local Arab and Palestinian institutions to support our impacted communities with financial aid, food, translation, and other vital services.
We also co-organized a fundraising campaign to deliver supply baskets to 1,000 Palestinian refugee families to support the steadfastness of our people in Lebanon.
We celebrated cultural production
We published our 5th Annual Ghassan Kanafani Resistance Arts Anthology, which comprised 20 artistic pieces exploring the Palestinian narratives and identity in the diaspora. We hosted an online launch party to celebrate the anthology and to showcase Palestinian artists and writers. In conjunction with the anthology, we awarded educational arts scholarships to the top three submissions.
We created youth &
student resources
We co-hosted the Youth for Palestine Conference, which brought together over 150 students and youth through panels, discussions, and workshops. Our Houston chapter also hosted a retreat with over 35 Palestinian students and youth from across Texas.
As part of our student support development work, we co-produced an Anti-CVE Campus Toolkit - a resource about surveillance initiatives on our campuses and in our communities.
We hosted educational events with our communities
We commemorated the 72nd year of Nakba with an online community event attended by over 600 people. We were honored to host Palestinian scholars, artists, and organizers: Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, Susan Abulhawa, Lina Abojaradeh, and Nadia Younes to discuss the ongoing struggle in Palestinian refugee camps, the Right of Return, and our role as Palestinians and Arabs in the diaspora.
We also hosted over 20 political education webinars, lectures, and panels on topics ranging from the fight for education under Zionist apartheid to Black-Palestinian joint struggle. Recordings of many of these events can be found on our newly launched YouTube channel.
We joined other communities in struggle
We continued to build upon the historical legacy and connections between the fight for liberation in Palestine and the many other liberation struggles in the U.S. and around the world. In the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder by Minneapolis police and the subsequent global uprisings for justice, our chapters organized Palestinian and Arab delegations to local actions.
All donations are tax deductible. You can also donate by mailing a check, payable to “WESPAC Foundation” with “PYM” in the memo line, to 77 Tarrytown Rd., Suite. 2W, White Plains, NY 10607.
Thank you!