Wheat Paste Recipes

There are many ways to make wheat paste. Below are a few recipes that are accessible and relatively easy to make.


For one gallon (enough for about 20-40 posters, depending on application and surfaces)


1½ cup cornstarch

1 gallon of water (16 cups) + extra to make cornstarch slurry  

Partial recipe: (6 cups water, ½ cup cornstarch) 


  1. CORNSTARCH SLURRY: measure 1½ cups of cornstarch into a separate container container. Using a spoon, mix with enough room temperature water until you reach a smooth and thin soup consistency.

  2. BOIL WATER: Put one gallon of water (16 cups or 4 quarts) on the stove and bring to boil. 

  3. ADD CORNSTARCH: When it boils turn off heat and immediately mix in the liquid cornstarch. Add cornstarch slowly while stirring rapidly  with a whisk or fork so the cornstarch mixes with the whole pot of water. 

  4. LET COOL: When well-mixed let it cool and thicken. It is easier to pour into your wheatpasting containers while hot, before it thickens. 

  5. STORE in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Wheat flour Recipe


¾ cup wheat flour

3  cup water  + extra to make slurry 


  1. FLOUR SLURRY: measure ¾ cup of wheat flour into a separate container container. Using a spoon, mix with enough room temperature water until you reach a smooth and thin soup consistency.

  2. BOIL WATER: Put 3 cups of water on the stove and bring to boil. 

  3. ADD FLOUR: Slowly add the liquid flour slurry into the boiling water and mix constantly. Stirring or whisking prevents the mixture from boiling over, burning, or forming lumps.

  4. BOIL: Keep solution on heat until thick and smooth. This can take anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes.

  5. LET COOL: Once the solution reaches the desired thickness, remove from heat and let it cool and thicken. It is easier to pour into your wheatpasting containers while hot, before it thickens. 

  6. STORE in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Glue Recipe

If you are unable to make either the cornstarch or wheat flour paste recipes you may use the following glue based recipe but it is not as effective.


White/Elmers-type glue



  1. MIX 1 part glue to 3-4 parts water so it’s watery, but still sticky. 

  2. STORE in a sealed container